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Maximum pay for every contract scenario...


Working through an umbrella company contract is an alternative to being paid under direct PAYE by an employer or agency. You enjoy the statutory rights of an employee and it is fully compliant with HMRC rules. There is also no risk under IR35 or Managed Service Companies legislation which can be an issue with Limited Company incorporation.
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Self Employed

For contractors operating on site where they are not under Supervision, Direction or Control. In the specific case of construction we are able to payroll most workers as self-employed with an indemnity for their recruitment agency against any penalties arising from Intermediaries Legislation.
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Limited Company

For higher paid contractors who are prepared to take on the additional responsibility of a limited company for maximum tax efficiency.
With FREE Company Accounting!
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Professional Employment Organisations (PEO)

For hirers, agencies and workers looking for the ultimate compliance and transparency Ship Shape PEO offers complete peace of mind and protection. There are no charges to the worker.
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